Product documentation
Rental Management Asset Management

Rental management can be linked to the (standard) Asset Management module in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . This allows for inspections and repairs of the rental equipment via Asset Management workorders. The workorder creation can be triggered via multiple Rental processes:

Assets can be created via a Purchase order receipt posting, a Rental inventory adjustment journal, a Sales to rental journal, an Inventory adjustment journal or an Item counting journal.

Pre-rental inspection workorders can be created via the Pickinglist registration. Post-rental inspection workorders via the Check-in or Termination journal of the Rental order.


Required Setup

Rental parameters

By default Rental Management is integrated with the HSO Service Management solution. This needs to be changed.

Navigate to Rental management - HSO > Setup > Rental parameters and select the Service management integration tab. Set the Rental object maintenance - Module setting to Asset management integration.

Please note that you can only use one of the two options per company. Meaning: company 1 could use Asset management and company 2 could use Service Management (from HSO). The module selected in this parameter will be the one used during the rental processes for automatically created work orders. Example: if set to Asset management, the system will create an Asset management workorder during pre- or post-rental inspection. You are still able to use the HSO Service Management Service calls and tasks by creating them manually if you desire.

Asset management workorder setup

Navigate to Rental management - HSO > Setup > Asset management integration > Asset management work order setup

This section holds the setup to determine for which process a workorder will be created. Setups can be made specifically for an item, an entire item group or genericly for all items. When setting up a line, the following triggers can be selected:

Trigger Process that creates the workorder
Purchase order Purchase order receipt posting.
Pre-rental Update of the picking list registration of the Rental order.
Post-rental Check-in or Termination of the Rental order.
Sales to rental Posting the Sales to rental journal.
Inventory adjustment journal Posting the Inventory adjustment journal.

Next select the work order type (mandatory), the maintenance job type (mandatory), the maintenance job type variant (optional) and the trade (optional).

The combination of maintenance job type, maintenance job type variant and trade are used by the asset management functionality to forecast hours, items, and expenses. It also allows for setup of maintenance checklists, tools, and work descriptions.

For more details, please check the Microsoft resources for Asset management functionality such as Asset management overview - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs and Work with Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management - Learn | Microsoft Docs.

Released product setup

To make sure Assets are created for Rental items/objects, some setup is required on the released product.

Navigate to Product information management > Products > Released products

There are 4 relevant fields on the Rental asset tab of the Released product:

These 4 fields can also be defaulted from the Item group selected on the released product (make sure to fill these fields on the Item group to enable this behaviour).


Note that Rental Management does not use the default functional location of the Asset parameters.


Asset creation process

The following processes are available to create an Asset in combination with Rental Management functionality:

Please make sure to setup the released product details before using these processes.

The asset will be created automatically during the posting of these processes and can be checked via the rental object (besides the details about the asset that appear in a message on creation).


Workorder process

Workorders will be created as determined in the Asset management workorder setup.

When a workorder is created, the following fields get filled out:

Field Description
Number Using the asset number sequence ‘Automatically created asset’
Workorder type Taken from the Rental Management Asset management work order setup
Description Filled with details of the creation origin
Asset number Taken from the process creating the workorder
Maintenance job type Taken from the Rental Management asset management work order setup
Maintenance job type variant Optional field. Taken from the Rental Management Asset management work order setup if applicable
Trade Optional field. Taken from the Rental Management Asset management work order setup if applicable
Service level Fefaulted from the Asset service level setup
Expected start Defaulted from the service level
Expected end Defaulted from the service level

The combination of maintenance job type, maintenance job type variant and trade are used by the asset management functionality to forecast hours, items, and expenses. It also allows for setup of maintenance checklists, tools and work descriptions.

On the workorder itself resource hours, item usage and expenses can be posted by using the available asset management functionality. This can either be done using the forecast or adding them manually.

For more details on the workorder functionality, please check the Microsoft resources for Asset management such as Asset management overview - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs and Work with Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management - Learn | Microsoft Docs.